6/16/2001 - 50 of each gem to the first person to post a hello to pawfoots in their forum. One peasant forum winner. One Congress winner. One House winner.
6/16/2001 - 100 enchants and 100 drakes to the first person to guess pawfoots' irl middle name. Please e-mail responses to dcyoung12@aol.com
6/16/2001 - Clue #1 for the deciphering contest. Each letter stands for a word. All guessers should think about how we lead the clan (our values and such).
6/7/2001 - New Contest!!! This one requires some head work. If you are the first to decipher this code and either DC mail to bonetoe, e-mail to DCyoung12@aol.com, or answer at the meeting on this Friday night, then you will win a 22 stat koutetsu. Here it is.