
Archives - April, 2001

4/30/2001 - We are having a contest starting on this wednesday (May 2nd). Whoever can collect the most teeth and send them to bonetoe. He has offered to keep track of how many the different people have sent. 3rd place will receive 1 million marks. 2nd place will receive 1 million marks, 300 enchant scrolls, and 200 mandrake roots. 1st place will receive 1 million marks, 500 enchant scrolls, 300 mandrake roots, and 1 rare! This contest will go on for 1 week, so if you want to be counted, then start sending the teeth on Tuesday (they will arrive on Wednesday), and send the last batch on the next Tuesday.

4/28/2001 - Anybody have any ideas of things to add/change on the web page? Feel free to e-mail StriderV with any suggestions. The area which he is looking for ideas the most are in the clan members area, though any suggestions would be welcome.

4/26/2001 - In an effort to increase the overall rank of our clan, Brothers of Justice is sponsoring an offer throughout the clan. DC mail StriderV or email him with your character name and you will receive 1 million marks. All that we ask in return is that gain one rank in a week. This is not a requirement, nor will we attempt to track down those that have not ranked. This is just something to do for the good of the clan. Thank you!

4/25/2001 - The first news post. Be ready for a huge giveaway in the trade forum, once we break into the top 50 (probably in the next few days). Thank you to all who have helped us grow this far.